Troisième semestre (30 ECTS)
Intitulé de l'UE |
Tronc commun |
Research conferences | 3 |
Engineering project | 6 | |
Parcours MeDH | Rehabilitation and electrophysiology | 3 |
Muscular system modeling | 3 | |
Security, evaluation and economic development of medical devices | 3 | |
Wearable Robotics |
3 |
Statistics for Evidence-Based Engineering | 3 |
Options S3 (2 UEs à choisir parmi 6)
Intitulé de l'UE |
Sensorimotor modeling | 3 |
Commande des robots en inter. phys. avec l'Humain |
3 |
Medical imaging |
3 |
Multi-modal analysis of human behavior |
3 |
Haptics and teleoperation |
3 |
Virtual reality | 3 |